Anyway, I finally replaced the small wooden coffee table (IKEA) that I had throughout college with a beautiful chest that I painted in high school (was it high school mom?)--I wanted to strip the paint and bring the piece back to its original state, but that sounded hard.
So I followed an antiquing process from this blog that my mom likes, which turned out to be more time consuming than I anticipated. Mine turned out slightly different, but I was pleased with the result.
I gathered most of my materials from the coolest spot in town, the local Brady Street Hardware.
Paint color of choice
Phone book pages/newspaper
Power Sander/Sanding block (I just used sandpaper and my hand)
Brown paint
Matte Medium/Mod Podge
Acrylic Sealer
Drop cloth helps (gets messy)
After I sanded down the chest and wiped off all residue with a damp cloth, I began decoupaging phone book pages (I used a wallpaper-crease-roller-thing-amabob to smooth the wrinkles--roll over wax paper to avoid a mess).
I considered leaving the phone book chest as is. I liked the look of the text, but I was determined to carry on. Could be cool with significant newspaper clippings, magazine articles/photos, etc...something to consider.
Let the phone book table completely dry, I have little patience so I almost let it completely dry. Apply a coat of your primer and let that dry. And finally, my friends, apply your beautiful color choice and allow 4 hours or so to dry (refer to the directions on the can). Next, take your sander or hand and sandpaper and go to town on the chest. Paint will scrape off from the wrinkled, raised spots on the surface to create a sort of antique look. Fill in these cracks with watered down brown paint. I didn't really like the way this looked, so I used the paint sparingly, wiping off the excess as I went along.
Apply your sealer, let dry and then put stuff on it. Enjoy!
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