Thursday, September 16, 2010


Welcome world. This is going to be a wild ride of sharing project ideas, inspiration and critique. Wooohooooo! Randomness will be inserted throughout the course of our posts. For example, below is a photo of my mother and brother at the world's largest truck stop in Iowa.

This is Spaghetti squash, which is coming back in season. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, cut the squash in half with a super sharp knife and be careful. Place on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil, cut sides up. Drizzle with oil and add salt and pepper. Roast for about 50 minutes or until the flesh is tender and browned. Grab a fork and scrape away. Follow this stellar Kitchen Sink recipe and enjoy.

My mother felt the need to post the picture of me cooking in my tiny kitchen (even though you wouldn't let me use a photo of you for your profile picture, weird). In this studio apartment, what you see is what you get, and you work with what you got. I'm standing in front of my mini-stove and behind me is the dishwasher-less sink. Though I would thrive in a larger kitchen, I accept the challenges of limited space. 


  1. Susan, your children are as awesome as mine!

  2. Great pictures!

    ~Ariel (Yep, that Ariel, from Lake Park)
